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Ep. 135 Unidentified Groping


Fucked Up News


1 Finger Guns

Florida man tries robbing Waffle House with finger guns

3 Break In Groping

NJ woman groped by unidentified, naked man in her shower

5 Eye Contact Is Key

Masturbating creep torments woman on kNYC subway


2 Fucking Weirdo PICS

‘Fictosexual’ man married hologram bride, but now struggles to bond with her

4 Money Maker PICS

Sphynx cat nearly died after being used as ‘breeding machine’ for 90 kittens

6 Bad Grandma PIC

Louisiana 4-year-old dies after grandmother forced her to drink bottle of whiskey as mother watched

Randys Rant

Customer service, waiting on hold for long times, shitty music, then speak to representative for 5 min and get nothing accomplished. Why the fuck did i even call then

We Don't Really Know….Well


Boy born with two penises, doctors cut off bigger one


Woman choked to death on chewing gum she had to stop throat getting dry



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