Fucked Up News
2 Is This Cum For You
Man delivering groceries caught masturbating on door camera
4 Hurry Up!!!
Two men attack Brooklyn Burger King worker over food delay
6 Love Me Or Else
Utah ‘millionaire’ allegedly kidnapped, tortured woman in his home for weeks
1 Bad Pirate PICS
Sex offender named Pirate sentenced for burning disabled woman
3 Boner Kill
Hubby allegedly killed wife when she refused sex-right after he took Viagra
5 Never Saw It Comin VIDEO
Florida man caught on camera attempting to strangle woman at bus stop with his shoelace
How is this news
Woman in her 30s quits dating spends £6,000 to become mom via sperm donor
North Korea is claiming that Kim Jong-il invented the burrito
We Don't Really Know….Well
Baby orphaned after parents - both Florida deputies - take their own lives
Cancer-stricken mom gets Times Square billboard to help daughter find a man
Missed Opportunities
Newborn baby found abandoned in plane bathroom after alleged in flight birth
Pope Francis slams ‘selfish’ couples who have pets instead of kids