Fucked Up News
1 Chinese Blood Dish
Chinese man lured by fake job and became ‘blood slave’ in Cambodia
3 Lawful Nudeness
Drunk Florida lawyer busted for stripping naked in a bar after being refused service
5 Takeoff Those Digits
Student had legs, fingers amputated after eating leftover Chinese takeout
2 Fun At The Park
Man cuts off another man’s leg with buzzsaw in grisly ‘arrangement’
4 She Went All Out
Tennessee woman had sex with 9 high school students in exchange for vape pens: cops
6 Stabby Stab Stab PIC
Florida woman charged with murder after allegedly stabbing husband 140 times
Would You Rather
1 Sex with a corpes or never have sex again
2 Wear one pair of underwear for a week or grandmas clean underwear for one day
3 Your chick saw a sex video of you and your cousin or Your chick saw a sex video of you and her best friend
We Don't Really Know….Well
Las Vegas boy found dead in freezer, mothers boyfriend arrested
FDA authorizes first condom marketed for anal sex
Missed Opportunities
Man filmed allegedly injecting supermarket food with his own blood